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gear ratios?

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  • gear ratios?

    anyone happen to know the gear ratios of 1-6 plus the final drive on a pre-98 kat 750?
    happend across a neat excel program that calculates speed in each gear at min rpm, max rpm, max hp, shift points, etc...
    useful info for those desiring a sprocket change, but i cant seem to find this info online (and my service manual is at a friends house)...
    i will try to attach it to this post, if anyone is interested...

    "the extension .xls is not allowed"

    i can send it to anyone that wants it...

    gather 'round, children

  • #2
    .xls IS an exel format. Most of those calculations are pretty simple once you get the numbers. My guess is that there are just a bunch of formulas in cells, but there may be a few macros in there too.

    You can't upload those kinds of files directly to the KR forum (only images and mp3s), but you can upload it off-side and link to it. If you send it to me I can host it if needed.

    find / -name "*your base*" -exec chown us:us {} \;

    You must realize that someday you will die-until you know that, you are useless

    If you can't make it fit with a sledge hammer, don't force it!


    • #3
      You can find the stock gear ratios for each gear in the back of the owner's manual (not shop manual, owner's manual) for your Kat.

      You can find the different gear ratio changes for the possible Katana sprockets at my Katana Sprockets & Sprocket Ratio Page, at MotorcycleAnchor -- American made Motorcycle Ground Security Anchors!

      =-= The CyberPoet
      Remember The CyberPoet


      • #4
        yeah, .xls = excel, which is how the worksheet is set up...
        i emailed the file to kiba, as i dont have any webspace other than nowhere radio and photobucket right now...
        the link cyberpoet put up is pretty good--- the two of these in concert will pah-own (or however you say pwn--- you gamers know what i am talking about)...

        gather 'round, children


        • #5
          Originally posted by The CyberPoet
          owner's manual (not shop manual, owner's manual)
          It's on page 1-7 of the 'zuki shop manual.

          Original spreadsheet
          Spreadsheet with 98+ Kat600 data

          98+ Kat600:
          Primary: 1.744 (75/43)
          1: 3.083 (37/12)
          2: 2.062 (33/16)
          3: 1.647 (28/17)
          4: 1.400 (28/20)
          5: 1.227 (27/22)
          6: 1.095 (23/21)
          Final: 3.133 (47/15)

          find / -name "*your base*" -exec chown us:us {} \;

          You must realize that someday you will die-until you know that, you are useless

          If you can't make it fit with a sledge hammer, don't force it!


          • #6
            Originally posted by The CyberPoet
            owner's manual (not shop manual, owner's manual)
            Originally posted by kiba
            It's on page 1-7 of the 'zuki shop manual.
            I stand corrected -- it's in both. Thanks Kiba!

            =-= The CyberPoet
            Remember The CyberPoet


            • #7
              awesome... now if i can find pre-98 750 values (i just assume that they are different?)....

              i will be getting that service manual back soon, brandon!

              gather 'round, children


              • #8
                ding ding ding



                gather 'round, children

