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Clutch cable problem

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  • Clutch cable problem

    Alright so im was heading out to go on a cruise today. Well i go to first fine second everything is good. Then i go to hit third and the clutch cable came lose. well i figured i snapped it so i went to replace it and well the cable was fine but when i pulled the drive sprocket cover off a lil black piece fell out. from what i can tell its where the cable is spossed to be connected to. So the question is.. is it spossed to be a lose peice and im just being a idiot or did something break.a nd if so does anyone have any clue on how to fix it?

  • #2
    Pictures are always nice. The cable end connects to a swivel piece about a 1/4 inch long. That swivel is connected to a bigger arm. That whole piece is called the "Worm Gear" . That worm gear acts like a screw. When the clutch cable is pulled that worm gear unscrews to push in a pin to activate your clutch.
    When you say alittle black piece fell out it could be that little pin broken into 2 pieces which woulld cause your clutch to not operate correctly. 2nd, that little black piece could be the rubber gasket on the worm gear screw, which is about the size of a quarter but shaped like a circle. The worm gear is held in the down position by a spring which is attached to the arm then attached to the cover itself on the opposite end. If that spring breaks or fails then your clutch lever would squeeze real easy. 3rd, it could be the sprocket cover bolt alignment washer ( cant think of the actual name at the moment) . 4th could be a chain o ring. 5th could be just a piece of trash.
    Thats all I can think of at the moment but you really should take a picture of the piece you are refering to.
    Fill us in if you diagnose the problem.
    Last edited by katanarider; 08-26-2010, 02:45 AM.
    My Katana-1100 17" wheel swap

