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carbs appear to be dripping a little oil???

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  • carbs appear to be dripping a little oil???

    Hey everyone, little problem here,

    I did a valve adjustment about a month ago and more recently adjusted my mixture, and it runs great. Only bug I haven't worked out is sometimes the engine is sluggish when leaving a stoplight, but this seems completely random. Exhaust has more of a "blat" to it when it does this, but it ends up clearing it's throat. Before all this it always looked wet or moist from what appeared to be fuel under carb#1, such as the bowl. Looked almost like it's leaked from the carb/engine rubber necks, but I know I've got those suckers tight. You know those ball things that you can push in that are on ratchets that hold the sockets on? Well there's something that looks like that under that neck on the carbs. While adjusting my mixtures I cleaned out the carbs of course, and that opening under the #1 carb was real gummy from oil or whatever, maybe not letting it seal. I cleaned them all up and hoped it was just stuck open.

    Well I rode it the 15 highway miles to work this morning and parked it. I was just out there (admiring it of course), and noticed it looked all oily on that #1 carb again but even more so. Not only that, the #4 carb was showing the same signs. I haven't been able to figure out if it's fuel or oil, but this time each carb had a drop hanging off the bottom of the bowls so I was able to look at that. It was real thick and seems to be oil.

    During my valve adjustment, my airbox just had that normal oily film in there, but no evidence of large amounts of oil. Bike doesn't smoke at all, and the oil level hasn't dropped as far as I can tell. During the valve adjustment, I put the valves right in the middle of the recommended ranges. I've put on about 700 miles since the adjustment, and this appears to have shown up more recently. Any ideas? Really it's not messy or a major problem, I'm just more worried about the cause of it.
    '01 TL1000R

  • #2
    Well , that "blat" and sluggish takeoff sounds like a plug is fouling , but then cleaning itself off as you get rolling . Mine does that too for some reason I haven't quite figured out yet . Dunno about the oil thing , though .
    I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

    Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


    • #3
      have you opened the drain tube for the airbox? it could be full of that gunk that builds up. if nothing comes out, the tube could be clogged.


      • #4
        yeah I've checked the tube, no problems there except for the normal oily film. I just hope that something like this isn't failing valves or bad rings.
        '01 TL1000R


        • #5
          Ok well went for a 100 mile or so ride with friends last night, and rode it to work this morning. It's dripped enough to put a small oil spot on the motor below. It looks like really thick oil. Can there be any other cause for this other than something like bad rings or something serious like that. This seems to only be on the #4 carb now. Two months ago I did my valve adjustment and there were no valves way out of adjustment, but I even adjusted the ones that were barely off so each one was smack in the middle of the recommended specs. Only a few were barely out of spec initially. Does anyone had any ideas? This will give me a good idea on what i'm in for....rebuilding, or simple adjusting and tune up.
          '01 TL1000R


          • #6
            Might be as simple as a leak at the rear oil lines (back side of the valve cover area) or from the rear of the valve cover itself, leaking down and migrating backwards at speed...

            My advice: remove the tank, clean the engine a bit and then run it to warm in idle... rev it a few times after it's warm and start looking for fresh leaks.

            Oh, and the coming off extended idle blat/blog - carb pilot circuit issues or sticking choke cable.

            =-= The CyberPoet
            Remember The CyberPoet


            • #7
              Hey thanks Cyberpoet, I'm gonna look for that stuff. Hey I really appreciate your help, you always seem to come through with a helpful suggestion or idea.
              '01 TL1000R

