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  • Hhaaallpp

    93 750

    The bike was running FINE today. An hour ago I started messing around with it, took off the fairings and the tank, and got ready to sync the carbs. After some time, I had a gauge hooked up to the carbs, was letting the bike warm up, shut it off.

    Turned it back on, it wouldn't start without full throttle, and would only run at about 500-700 RPM with FULL THROTTLE. It wasn't rough or anything, just wouldn't rev any higher.

    The airbox is on, but it looks like all the throttle bodies are opening. What did I do?

    Oh also, I let it rest under a fan for a couple minutes, and it started up and would rev, but didn't want to idle very well, or transition from idle to revving. But I did have the full range.

    Please don't tell me I just got my carbs dirty while messing with the hoses :S Is it possible it just overheated?

  • #2
    "The airbox is on, but it looks like all the throttle bodies are opening. What did I do?"

    do you have Xray vision , put the air filter back in and see how she runs
    Blood , its in you to give!


    • #3
      I meant I could see all of the little screws moving.

      After it cooled down it ran like usual again, I just tried adjusting it, and after a couple minutes of running it looks like its dying again. What is it like when the bike overheats? I do have a fan blowing on it, but the bike is sitting still in the garage...

      Also, does anyone know how close the vacuums in each carb have to be?

      ...aaaand its doing it again.

      What would cause a bike to only run at full throttle?
      Last edited by mykat; 05-18-2010, 09:28 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


      • #4
        Alright it looks like it was just a fuel delivery problem. I raised the tank some, attached wider hoses, and the bike is running no problem.

        Moral of the story: if you can only idle at full throttle, you are not getting enough fuel to the engine.


        • #5
          Vacuum leak? did you take the vacuum hose off the petcock? If so, you need to plug the hose. Make sure the sync hoses are tight.


          • #6
            Did you plug of the vacuum line that you are supposed to ?
            Scotty Doesn't Know ...Scotty Doesn't Know.. Don't Tell Scotty

