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PLease help. 90 gsx600 engine swap to 92 problems

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  • PLease help. 90 gsx600 engine swap to 92 problems

    Hello everyone. I have been lurking around for a while now but i hadnt made an account untill today. please forgive me for any typos i might make in the post. I went to work this morning for about 9 hours then worked on my bike for another 9 or so. Anyway long story short. I got burnt on a 90 gsx600. Bike ran horrible. bike would not idel and had to be sprayed with starter fluid. also 2nd was out. so i bought a new engine. a 92 gsx600. It is a little different than the 90. only small difference. But anyway my problem right now is this. when we first started putting the clutch cable back on everything worked fine as far as gears go. But i had no clutch at all. i then saw that the catch inside the cover where the front spoket is had fallen i reattached and tighted the cable. now it wont go into first or 6th..all the way down is n and it only clicks up 4 times. i don't know what it could be.. is there a trick to it? btw this is the first time i've ever done an engine swap
    on a bike.i'm lost here. ANY help would be great...also any guilds on adjusting the back wheel/chain.? it was fine and now when i move the bike the chain pops.. its like the wheel is not in line. again sorry for all the typos and all..GREAT site btw its a big help.. thank you all.