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engine flooding..?

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  • engine flooding..?

    i have never driven anything with carbs, so i am not 100% this is the issue, but occasionally the kat won't start, even after its been warmed up real nice like. i can hear the electric starter, but the thing just won't ignite.

    i am wondering if kat's are prone to engine flooding..? usually it starts about 10-15 minutes later. i am loathe to try and keep the starter on for too long for fear of draining the battery...
    joey b.

  • #2
    hey , it happens . If your floats ain't sealing right , too much gas can flow over into the engine ..... I'd pull plugs and see if any look different than the other . If one does , it's a simple carb problem , and you'll know which carb to tinker with . If they're ALL dark , it's a weak sparkproblem likely (or really messed up jetting) .
    I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

    Katrider's rally 2011 - md86

