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cylinder head cover

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  • cylinder head cover

    hello all...i have never had the cylinder head cover off a motorcycle so i wasnt sure if this was normal or not but when i removed it there was carbon build up on part of the cover but not all, would this mean that i need valve adjusting? i took a couple of pics so yall could c what i mean, thanx for the input

  • #2
    that llooks exacly like mine did i know i am probaly not right at all but mabey some exaust gets by the valves


    • #3
      You got tiny feet .
      Just spray the thing down with some brake cleaner and wipe it off . I wouldn't worry TERRIBLY about it . Unless you're abusing/neglecting the bike , or using REALLY crappy oil or something .
      I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

      Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


      • #4

        MD, only you would take note on the size of his feet, Thats friken hilarious.
        If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

        RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

        Originally posted by Nero
        Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.


        • #5
          WOW, those are either really small feet or friggin huge pants


          • #6
            Kweef, that darkened residue is from an overheat at some point - or close to it. Nothing major, probably due to extended idling in traffic during the warmer months. As stated above, just clean up the cover, check the valves and use a good quality oil and stock oil filter. It wouldn't hurt to also add a magnet - contact CP for one for a little extra insurance.
            2006 Katana 750 - Daily therapy
            2005 ZZR1200 - Weekend therapy


            • #7
              That's oil residue that has burned. It's probably not abnormal but reflects on the kind of oil you use or how often you change it. What brand / weight / type of oil are you using?


              • #8
                first off i have a size 13 shoe and my pants are jsut long lol anyways i dont know what type of oil was in it before cuz i jsut purchased the bike but ill just clean it off and when i tear it apart next winter i will c what it looks like, what oil would you reccomend?


                • #9
                  Something without the friction modifiers most car oils have nowadays is usually good .
                  I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                  Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                  • #10
                    hmm so what im gettin is that there could b multiple causes...ill have to find some good oil and avoid traffic lol


                    • #11
                      Castrol 4 stroke oil. 10/40. At least he has socks on. You could have been looking at grody toe nails. I'm against open toe shoes. That's just gross.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by katanafreak93 View Post
                        At least he has socks on.
                        heck ur lucky i was wearin pants lol


                        • #13


                          • #14
                            Hey hey hey , this is a family friendly biker forum .
                            I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                            Katrider's rally 2011 - md86

