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  • Help

    I could really use some specific help on finding this part. Please dont just respond with a link to a web site been on them and cant find it maybe because I am dumb haha. I have a 2006 Katana 600 and the shift lever that you use with your foot cracked off the plate that it mounts to, if you have a 06 Katana and you look where it bolts through a face plate could you please let me know the name of that plate and where to get it every web site I go to shows me the one on the other side with the eye for your oil and not the one I need. any help would be greatly appriciated. Also if there is anything I need to be careful of when changing this that would be cool to Thanks again, Sean

  • #2
    Originally posted by xsmf002 View Post
    Please dont just respond with a link to a web site
    I had an answer, but you just said not to give it to you.
    Oh well...

    I guess you'll get it anyway because I don't listen very well.

    From what I can vaguely make out of what you are asking, #23.
    No pics yet
    Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break


    • #3
      I have that front sprocket cover. Send me a message.


      • #4

        Thanks for the help Im glad you put the part # it was helpful. Arsnic I tried to email you but I do not have enough posts yet but thank you too!!!

