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Ivan's Kit is in

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  • Ivan's Kit is in

    Well, I finally got around to yanking my carbs yesterday and cleaning the heck out of them, as well as installing the Ivan's kit that's been sitting in a box for the last six months. . .

    Here are my impressions (I have not had a chance to run the bike yet since I'm doing the valves "while I'm in there" first - still need to wrap that up):

    1. The kit is very good content-wise. The directions are rather sparse for a first-timer. NO pictures. I recommend Cyber's web page to cross-reference stuff and get it right.

    2. Bless Ivan for including allen-key bolts to replace those stupid Phillips screws on the bottoms of the bowls. God almighty, what were they thinking at Mikuni?

    3. Needles are an easy replacement. Very simple to install. That part of the job took <10 minutes.

    4. Jets were an easy replacement once the bowl covers were off (stripped I think six of the aforementioned stupid Phillips screws which then had to be drilled out). Once the bowls were open and the jets exposed, took <10 minutes.

    5. Setting the float height is damn near impossible even with calipers. I pulled the flow needles to check conditions and cleaned everything/put it back in. I'm sort of going with an assumption that the stock float height is correct since I had no overflow problems previously. It's damn near impossible to see "when the tang just starts to hit the needle", then try to hold the float in that position while you use your fifth and sixth hands to figure a way to get the calipers in there to read. F*ck it. I wasn't about to separate the individual carbs and add another who-knows-how-long to the job. Hope it's right. . .

    6. Something weird - the jets that were in my carbs were 117.5. They should have been (IIRC) 112.5, unless the "7" is really a "2" and my eyes are just going. I bought this bike new; the carbs have never been re-jetted. The Ivan's kit comes with 110 jets.

    7. The Ivan's instructions say the pilot jet should be a "15" I think. I believe mine have a "50" etched into them, which seems weird, but they're also stock so I'm leaving them alone.

    8. Be careful not to accidentally drill out the wrong brass plug (oops, had to replace one of the big ones - that was my "dumb$hit" mistake for the day).

    I'll post more updates when I get this infernal POS running correctly again. Have yet to bleed the brakes, do the valves, add a new wiring circuit for the headlights (which don't work) and synch the carbs. Hopefully this week.

    Anyone know what the deal is with those main jets?

  • #2
    Originally posted by KatScratchFever View Post
    2. Bless Ivan for including allen-key bolts to replace those stupid Phillips screws on the bottoms of the bowls. God almighty, what were they thinking at Mikuni?
    Ivan got that from Factory Pro, thank Marc for that one. That must be a new thing cause Ivan didn't used to do that. There is a metric phillips head too, if you had that they wouldn't strip.

