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98' 600F What sprocket is stock?

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  • 98' 600F What sprocket is stock?

    Need a bit of help.

    Just bought a 98' 600F and it seems the speedometer reads about 8% faster than what I am actually going.

    Q: Did someone change out the sprocket(s) in this thing? (and yes, the tires and rims are stock)

    The reason I ask is because I want to change them out, this time to get better mileage and lower RPM's at higher speeds (where I spend 80% of my time on a bike)

    Right now I am running about about 6000 RPM's while only traveling (actually not what my speedo reads) about 55-57 MPH.

    My goal here is to change out my sprockets and my chain, I want to do the following:

    1) Change out the chain (O-Ring is expensive, is it worth it? Your opinion please!)

    2) Change the front sprocket from a 14t (what I understand is stock) to a 15 or 16t. (again, your opinion please)

    3) Change the rear sprocket from a 45 (again, what I understand to be stock) to a 43t.

    Note: I have a feeling I am not running "stock" right now, I just put those numbers out there so it may be easier to follow what I am trying to do.

    Again, I appreciate all opinions and options offered.

    My goal is to:
    * Lower RPM's at higher speeds (I don't care about off the line speed, when I do, I will get a different bike)

    * Up my gas mileage (since so much of my time is spent over 55mph.

    I am glad to return to this forum after a 3 year hiatus. (sold my 93 katana to pay for my last term of college, PAINFUL!!!)

    Cheers, and all the best

    98 Kanatuna

  • #2
    ok, I didn't read your whole post my ADD kicked in stock is 15/47 118 link chain.

    Originally posted by merwinjr View Post
    Need a bit of help.

    Just bought a 98' 600F and it seems the speedometer reads about 8% faster than what I am actually going.

    Q: Did someone change out the sprocket(s) in this thing? (and yes, the tires and rims are stock)

    The reason I ask is because I want to change them out, this time to get better mileage and lower RPM's at higher speeds (where I spend 80% of my time on a bike)

    Right now I am running about about 6000 RPM's while only traveling (actually not what my speedo reads) about 55-57 MPH.

    My goal here is to change out my sprockets and my chain, I want to do the following:

    1) Change out the chain (O-Ring is expensive, is it worth it? Your opinion please!) YES!! Good god, that may be the dumbest thing I've heard today.

    2) Change the front sprocket from a 14t (what I understand is stock) to a 15 or 16t. (again, your opinion please) Stock is 15 duder

    3) Change the rear sprocket from a 45 (again, what I understand to be stock) to a 43t. Stock is 47 duder

    Note: I have a feeling I am not running "stock" right now, I just put those numbers out there so it may be easier to follow what I am trying to do.

    Again, I appreciate all opinions and options offered.

    My goal is to:
    * Lower RPM's at higher speeds (I don't care about off the line speed, when I do, I will get a different bike)

    * Up my gas mileage (since so much of my time is spent over 55mph.

    I am glad to return to this forum after a 3 year hiatus. (sold my 93 katana to pay for my last term of college, PAINFUL!!!)

    Cheers, and all the best
    Last edited by arsenic; 06-03-2008, 10:41 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


    • #3
      Thank you for the response. Sadly you missed what I was trying to ask there, Duder. Will going from a 15/47 to a 16/46 ot 16/45 give me the lower RPM's I am looking for and the better gas mileage?

      Thank you

      98 Kanatuna


      • #4
        16/45 maybe, duder. Before you go throwing #'s around that are "supposed" to be, it might be a good idea to find out what gearing you're running now, you're speedo wouldn't be off with stock gearing.


        • #5
          Excellent, that is good to know. I was under the impression that the speed was gauged by the rotations of the front sprocket (trust me , I don't know, I am just going by what I was told) So is there a speedo cable on the 98+?
          Thanks again for your help

          Would anyone else care to chime in... Im all ears
          Last edited by merwinjr; 06-03-2008, 11:46 PM. Reason: needed to add a statement

          98 Kanatuna


          • #6
            Originally posted by merwinjr View Post
            Excellent, that is good to know. I was under the impression that the speed was gauged by the rotations of the front sprocket (trust me , I don't know, I am just going by what I was told) So is there a speedo cable on the 98+?
            Thanks again for your help

            Would anyone else care to chime in... Im all ears
            Re-read arsenics statement:
            Originally posted by arsenic
            your speedo wouldn't be off with stock gearing.
            slight grammar edit
            Yes, speedo signal comes off output shaft of trans. Go to stock gearing and work from there.
            No pics yet
            Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break


            • #7
              Originally posted by arsenic View Post
              you're speedo wouldn't be off with stock gearing.
              aside from the normal 5-7% off that the factory sets it, right?
              1999 Black Katana GSX-600F


              • #8
                Ok, so I can assume I fall into that 5-7% ratio then maybe? That is good to know...

                Now, onto my original question: getting my RPM's down by changing out the sprockets. Help please! I think I know what I'm doing, but you know what they say about "Assuming"

                Thank you
                Last edited by merwinjr; 06-05-2008, 11:08 PM. Reason: get an answer to my question

                98 Kanatuna

