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My Starter motor hates me.

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  • #16
    How many volts on the battery?

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    • #17
      It's not the starter. It's the clutch.
      Sorry I missed this before you spent money on the starter.

      The clutch is a set of gears and a "slipper clutch" that connect the starter to the crank. When the engine starts the slipper allows the starter to disengage so the engine and motor are not fighting. In cars the starter is more complicated but better.. In bikes due to the lack of space they use the simple method of the clutch. Simple but not as good..
      I suspect you had either some bad springs or pawls in the clutch and they gave out. Now the starter isn't connected to the engine.

      I don't know what year your bike is but that part has been superseded 4 times since 2000.. (maybe due to issues??)
      The above link is the current rev. part #3


      • #18
        That's probably it. As a shot in the dark, does anyone have the extra "clutch star" described in the Ron Ayers Link? I was so frustrated when I discovered that the starter motor wasn't the cause of my issue. If it turns out it is the clutch star, than is that something that is common to happen in a 98 kat?


        • #19
          Originally posted by Moonrs View Post
          If it turns out it is the clutch star, than is that something that is common to happen in a 98 kat?
          Unknown. I think CyberPoet's site ( lists recalls and service bulletins. But I'f you look at the 2000 part it keeps getting superseded until the part for the 2006 model. That tells me they changed something about it nearly every year.


          • #20
            So, it's probably going to be better to get a brand new one than a used one from somewhere?


            • #21
              While I'm willing to attempt most moderate repairs myself, I'm thinking I may have to go to a professional to repair this. Once I crack open the clutch, I'd be in unfamiliar territory, plus I've no idea what the real cause of the problem is. Should I keep trying (open up the clutch and hope I can figure it out) or get a mechanic?


              • #22
                Hi Guys, I have a 'pre' 750 that needs a new starter also. How hard was it to remove the starter motor? Did you have to remove the carbs to get to it?



                • #23
                  Not hard , really . You might be able to get it out of there without taking the carbs off , but you'd be able to see what you're doing a little better if you DID .
                  I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                  Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                  • #24
                    Thanks MD, once I take the fairings tank, and carbs off, it it pretty straight forward. Also, should I replace the whole starter or try to replace the brushes first?

