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Throttle cable on a 93 Kat

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  • Throttle cable on a 93 Kat

    This is taken from another thread that got hijacked. I wanted it to be on its own since it seems theres some differences. The picture below is from FloridaKat to give credit where its due.

    MD86's last responce was
    "THe nut on the pre goes underneath . The cable end has threads which thread into the carbs , which is how you adjust the slack . The nut is a locknut ."

    Today I will take pictures of my carbs, the cable and the end of the cable. Suzuki says these are the correct carbs for my bike. The cable is "not" able to thread into the carb since there are no threads (on the carbs) for it to thread into, the single nut is for adjustment for the thottle cable.

    Will post pics tommorow
    If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

    RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

    Originally posted by Nero
    Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.

  • #2
    You forgot the part where I said "on the pre" . The pre has ONE cable , and ONE nut , and the throttle cable end actually threads into the carb . Wait a minute *goes to grab spare carb bank ....... I just looked at the spare parts carbs I have . There are no threads where the cable goes , but underneath where the nut goes is a recess for the nut , which keeps it from spinning , so basically the cable threads into the nut pulled up into the recess . My bad : . Anyway , carry on .....
    I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

    Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


    • #3
      Right, However, If said nut is from underneath, then there would be no way to adjust the cable at the carbs.
      If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

      RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

      Originally posted by Nero
      Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.


      • #4
        I've done this a few times. I don't remember a nut being there, the end of the cable is threaded into the carbs, you adjust the cable by threading it either less or more, This was on an 89 600 that the cable was this way.


        • #5
          Well, I got some shots, The carbs dont have any threads where the cable slides thru, theres just a single nut on the end of the cable. Two pictures of each at different angles below. The bike looks a mess right now because I've got several things im doing to it while theres snow on the ground. Hopefully these pictures show up right.

          Ok The images did show correctly. Clicking on the image will give you a bigger shot.The body of the carb where the cable passes thru is in the center on Pic 1 and 2, there are no threads whatso ever. # 3 & 4 show the cable end with the single nut. Ideas?

          Last edited by Newbie2it; 12-19-2007, 01:10 AM. Reason: Added text after making sure imgages were showing
          If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

          RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

          Originally posted by Nero
          Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.


          • #6
            that nut goes on top, I'm 100% sure of that


            • #7
              Um , if the nut goes on top , then what holds the cable to the carb assembly . Mine's on the BOTTOM , where there's a recess for said nut .I'm 100% sure of this ......
              I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

              Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


              • #8
                the cable tension holds the cable in, the nut is how you adjust the tension in said cable. Okay, like I said I'm 100% sure on an 89, I just checked Ayers, and the clutch cable is the same for 88-97 600's. Now the carbs are different, maybe they have threads in 89 I do not know Matt, I can certainly see your view of that nut going on the bottom, I do not know, forget the 100% positive comment.
                Last edited by arsenic; 12-19-2007, 02:28 AM.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by md86 View Post
                  Um , if the nut goes on top , then what holds the cable to the carb assembly . Mine's on the BOTTOM , where there's a recess for said nut .I'm 100% sure of this ......
                  Exactly why I posted this to a seperate folder. Since there are no threads within the body of the holder, never was. Not even an impression of a possible stripped thread, Its simply not threaded. I could see where a double nut would be used to secure the cable, But the cable only has one nut. I already saw how having it single nutted from underneath would be, But since there is no double nut, nutting it from underneath wont allow the cable to be adjusted. I would have to assume that, at least, on a 93 750 the nut belongs on top with nothing to prevent the cable from popping off.

                  Or is this the way its supposed to be without worry of the cable coming off? (Nut on top with nothing to hold the cable in place) Anyone familuar with the Pre (at least 93 anyhow) cable set up?
                  Last edited by Newbie2it; 12-19-2007, 03:12 AM. Reason: Added thoughts
                  If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

                  RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

                  Originally posted by Nero
                  Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.


                  • #10
                    well, if Matt and I are unsure about this BP is the only one that might know, but he has a 750, crap I don't know bro

                    hold on, I'll look in the manual

                    Ok, the manual says nothing about removing a lock nut from the bottom of the bracket. From the pics I can't tell. If you look at the way the 98+ carbs you posted pictures of is set up, they have the nut on the top, there is no nut on the bottom. There for I'm inclined to believe my original statement. The tension of the cable holds it in to the throttle, and if you look at that set up, the cable aint coming out it's a PITA to get in there. The nut I believe is to adjust the cable. Ok, the 98+ throttle cables are double nutted, 1 on top 1 on the bottom. The 98+ throttle set up is so freakin clear in the manual, why isn't the pre dammit.
                    Last edited by arsenic; 12-19-2007, 04:16 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                    • #11
                      Throttle cable on a 93 Kat status

                      Finally came across this thread, wasn't getting much help in the one that I started, and wanted to see if there is answer for this.

                      Where the throttle cable screws into the it supposed to be completely tightened down, or should it be backed off and move freely to be adjusted?

                      My 93 600 has a nut up underneath in a recessed area, and no nut on top.
                      2005 Toyota Sequoia Limited
                      2005 Lexus RX330
                      1993 Suzuki GSX-F 600 Katana - SOLD
                      2001 Suzuki GSX-R 750



                      • #12
                        nut should be on the bottom not on the top. Tighten it down snugly and u should have just a c-hair of play at the grip.
                        Must read for carb tuners......


                        • #13
                          III Good use of the search.

                          I never found a clear answer on this as to why they put so much thread on the end of the cable, when it needs to be cinched down tight via the nut underneath. Since I never found an apporpiate answer I experminted as I always do and tried with the nut on the top. Had to readjust the hell out of the throttle adjustment since it was pulling open the carbs and that wasn't enough, had to readjust the Idle adjuster as well, which put it near the end of its adjustment range, Once I resynched the carbs after readjusting the idle adjuster to properly accomidate it then being reset. I was then able to ride it, but on playing around, many.. ok.. multiple hard jerks and releases of the throttle over time... it finally hung on a higher idle, shut it down, popped the tank off there on the side of the road and found the cable and nut had popped onto the crown edge of the holder.(nut on top) Anyhow, after that I returned things the way they were, nutted from underneath, had to readjust the cables and the idle adjust and resynch everything.

                          Nuts now on the bottom where its supposed to be apparently. I forgot to post back to this thread since it had been a while since I posted. But alas, Finally I am doing so now.

                          Thanks for digging this thread up, I so totally forgot about it.
                          If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

                          RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

                          Originally posted by Nero
                          Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.


                          • #14
                            nutted from underneath,
                            Must read for carb tuners......


                            • #15
                              P.S.A to follow
                              ::::::::::Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep ppppppp:::::::::::

                              As a pre owner, you should be aware, that yes, your nuts go below, not on top

                              We now return you to your regularly scheduled Katriders:::::Beep::::::: Beep::::::::: Beep::::::::
                              So the biggest tire that fits a pre is....
                              If its not broke, Hit it with a bigger hammer and blame it on cheap imports

                              RIP Dad 3/15/08 Love and miss ya already

                              Originally posted by Nero
                              Even I played for a minute or so, then I recovered what little manhood I had left and stopped.

