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Clutch grabbing

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  • Clutch grabbing

    Ever since i've had my bike, its had a little pull when still, in gear, clutch all the way in when i would rev the engine. It was pretty minor so i never did anything about it.

    Ever since i changed my sprockets and chain (and had to re-adjust the clutch) its been getting worse. It'll start grabbing, i'll do the minor adjustment a little and it will be good for a little and then go back. I'm running out of room to adjust so now its time to do something about it.

    What do you guys think?

    Would that be a symptom of my clutch cable wearing out and stretching, making the fix just be a new cable?

  • #2
    you need to do the HS2020 clutch adjustment.
    Follow the instructions to the letter and if it doesn't work then you need a new clutch.. or parts..

    Seriously follow it... It works..

    If you follow it..


    • #3
      Yup , adjust clutch .
      I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

      Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


      • #4
        Originally posted by Black_peter
        you need to do the HS2020 clutch adjustment.
        Follow the instructions to the letter and if it doesn't work then you need a new clutch.. or parts..
        or you need to keep trying

        took me two times of adjusting to clutch to get it correct.


        • #5
          again you guys were right. needed to be re-adjusted. Unfortunately I was lazy and put it off. Then I took a ride down to the beach this weekend, and lost my clutch after about an hour into the trip. Fortunately i had enough tools in my little tool kit i put together to get it adjusted in a parking lot. I've put about 200 miles on it since and it seems to be stable.


