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In Neutral and gears still move

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  • In Neutral and gears still move

    I just got a 99 katana. It has been sitting for about a year. Has no chain on it. When i start it up in neutral the sprocket that would turn the chain is still moving (in neutral). What could be the problem.

  • #2
    It's normal for it to move a, bit especially without a chain on. After you put on the chain I think your problem will be solved, let us know.
    R.I.P. Marc (CyberPoet)


    • #3
      Cold oil. When I first start my bike up for the day the back wheel will move if it's on the center stand and in nuetral. Once it warms up and gets some oil flowing through the clutch plates it should not move it much at all.

      Long Live the D


      • #4
        "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
        JOHN 16:33


        • #5
          The oil doesn't even have to be cold.. And if you have the bike on the center stand, chain or no chain it still might spin the tire. This is what is know as viscus coupling. (wow I used the work viscus in two posts this morning.)


          • #6
            Originally posted by Black_peter
            The oil doesn't even have to be cold.. And if you have the bike on the center stand, chain or no chain it still might spin the tire. This is what is know as viscus coupling. (wow I used the work viscus in two posts this morning.)
            Ok, I have to do it, sorry

            The "viscus" you are talking about is really "viscous".

            Viscus is actually a singular for viscera, which is :

            vis·cer·a (vsr-)
            1. The soft internal organs of the body, especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities.
            2. The intestines.


            Ok, and with that, lol, my rear wheel will move while in neutral and on the centerstand.
            It doesn't matter what you ride, as long as you ride.


            • #7
              I think viscus was the proper wording as he was talking about the inside "guts" of the transmission


              • #8
                Originally posted by Sasquatch
                Ok, I have to do it, sorry

                The "viscus" you are talking about is really "viscous".
                Dude you don't even want to know what my posts would look like without spell check.. Unfortunately it suggests what it thinks I want..
                My spelling is so bad I believe it!

                No apologizes needed!

