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Oil leak gasp help..........

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  • Oil leak gasp help..........

    Alright noticed this today while driving and got off and noticed that my shoe had some oil on it, gasp, noticed i had a bit of oil comming from one of the screws, don't ask me what the cover is called but if someone can post a pic i will gladly show you, friend of mine said it was prolly just an O-Ring but i am unsure and wanted to check with you guys 1st

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    f you can read this thank a teacher, if you an read this in English thank a VETERAN

  • #2
    Ignition cover . THINK there's an o-ring on one of the bolts , but I thought it was one of the top ones . Clean it and see where it's coming from .
    I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

    Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


    • #3
      has it been removed lately? or has the bike been droped on that side? if yes then you could need a new gasket or a new ignition cover.

      But first check to see if all the bolts are snug and not loose.


      • #4
        I didn't think much or any oil should be under that cover?


        • #5
          it hasn't been removed latelty, the bike has been sitting in my garage for about a month since i bought it and didn't have my license just noticed it yesterday, and it looks like it is comming from the bolt itself, my buddy thats got a gixxer said its prolly just a o-ring, God i hope it is.

          and it looks like it is comming from the bolt itself
          f you can read this thank a teacher, if you an read this in English thank a VETERAN


          • #6
            Take the cover off and clean it out, There is an oil sensor in there that will seep oil into that ares.

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            • #7
              Add a thin bead of this on to the gasket.


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              • #8
                alright the bolt seemed a little loose, i tightend it drove the kat around my neighborhood came back and its not leaking now, (knocks on wood) i'll prolly ride to work to see for sure tomorrow
                f you can read this thank a teacher, if you an read this in English thank a VETERAN


                • #9
                  alright so far i got to work and no leaks keep your fingers crossed
                  f you can read this thank a teacher, if you an read this in English thank a VETERAN

