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Should I be concerned???

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  • Should I be concerned???

    OK to start off I did not have a battery tender on my bike for the past month or so. I had riden her about 2-3 weeks ago and she started up OK for me.

    Anway so this week I had asked my brother to start her on Sunday. (I store the bike at my parents house in the winter since they have a garage) He said it sounded like the battery was getting weaker and weaker and it would not turn over. He had turned the fuel to prime and had the choke on and such.

    Well i came the next night with a battery tender but wanted to try starting it myself. He had left the fuel on prime all night but had turned off the choke. I tried starting her and had a pretty big back fire on my second try. I tried another time or two until the batter sounded like it didnt have enough then the bike backfired again pretty bad.

    Is there anythign I should be concerned about here? I had not had any issues really prior to storage.

    I am going over tonight to see if the battery tender saved my battery and if she will turn over but I thought I would ask for your opinions first.
    I am a Penn State fanatic.
    Why is the sky blue and white? God is a PSU fan...

  • #2
    Personaly I think it would be ok. Even in the prime position the floats should have kept the fuel from flowing into the Cylinders and oil.
    You could open the oil fill cap and see if there is the odor of gas coming from there. If there is I would suggest an oil and filter change before starting.

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    • #3
      Never let anyone else start your Kat!!!
      Probably just flooded the carbs. At least he did not fry your starter.
      "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
      JOHN 16:33


      • #4
        I wouldnt worry about it - the fact that it backfired indicates that the plugs were still dry enough to cause ignition - Likely just needs to run a bit and it will be just fine.
        97 Katana 600
        [email protected] (or IM)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Wade-Kat600
          I wouldnt worry about it - the fact that it backfired indicates that the plugs were still dry enough to cause ignition - Likely just needs to run a bit and it will be just fine.

          Charge up the battery, then have at it again.

          Don't leave the charger on the battery when starting the bike!

          =-= The CyberPoet
          Remember The CyberPoet

