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Getting ready for winter

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  • Getting ready for winter

    Hello all. I live in Lonodn Ontario Canada, so my riding season is almost over. Last year I sold my GS500F right before the winter, and bought the 04 Kat 750, so I never had to worry about winterizing it. I am wondering what I should do, to get it ready for storage. It is being stored in a barn, and will be covered up with a Delco cover. Do I have to drain the oil? Is there any other fluids I should drain? I plan on taking the battery out, and keeping it in my house. Any other advice would be appreciated!

  • #2
    Here is some great info on winterizing your Kat.

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    • #3
      Thank you sooo much. That was very helpful!


      • #4
        My personal way of storing:

        1. Fresh oil and filter change for winter.
        2. Pull plugs and put about a half teaspoon of marvel mystery oil in each cylinder. I do this if I have no intention of turning it over at all during the cold months.
        3. Full tank of gas with stabilizer in it. A full tank less prone to condensation and rust formation in tank over the cold months.
        4. Check all the tire pressures. If not elevating the bike up off the suspension over the winter. Enough room to move it around to keep from forming low spots on the tires.
        5. Can either remove the battery, or place it on a battery tender over the winter.
        6. A good wipe down of all exposed polished auminum with a coat of WD-40. Soak a old rag with it and wipe down all the surfaces real well.
        7. Clean and lube chain for winter. Fresh lubrication protects the o-rings over the cold months.
        8. Fresh coat of wax on all the painted surfaces.
        9. Cover and let bake till first warm day, then tear the roads up again for 6 months.

        I m sure you can use the search feature and find 100+ topics on how to correctly wnterize your bike. Each one of us has our own routine. Some more complex others a simple as putting on center stand and covering it with a tarp.

        With having heat in garage now, will probably cut back on my winterizing routine.
        One project done, now on to the next few!!
        Explanation to girlfriend," I could be blowing time and money on strippers and booze!!!"

        "Ahhh! The bliss of retirement and being broke all at the same time!!"

