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    wassup KR. what does it take to "winterize" your motorcycle?? any hints?

  • #3
    not really storing

    sorry didnt mean winterize by storing the bike, i just meant riding IN COLD weather. what has to be adjusted now that it so cold outside.


    • #4
      Just the clothing that you wear.

      I've often wondered about the battery though. Since you have to fill it w/ water, shouldn't it freeze and crack?


      • #5
        foreal? the battery? damn i didnt even think about that.

        i heard that since the air is so much colder now, adjustments would have to be made to the fuel. and yes cold weather w/o the right gear sux!


        • #6
          You don't need to adjust your carbs unless your bike is not stock , meaning "finicky" . Make sure the battery's in good shape and that's really about it . Oh yeah , temp changes make tire pressures change DRASTICALLY , too . Chewck 'em often .
          I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

          Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


          • #7
            personally, I'd suggest looking at all of the following if it's approaching or below 40 degrees:

            (A) Definitely want to run 10w40 or lighter;
            (B) Battery should be fine -- the acid content lowers the freezing temp, but you should keep it charged up anyway, because cold interferes with it's ability to generate power on demand (problem goes away when it warms up);
            (C) Set your idle up a couple hundred RPM. This will make the bike run warmer and also start easier.
            (D) If you haven't installed an ignition advancer, now is the ideal time (since it also makes the bike run warmer in the first few gears).
            (E) Optionally, you could get hand guards like they use on SuperMoto and dirt bikes and graft a set on just for the winter. It will help shelter your hands from the windblast and make any gloves that much more effective.

            But mostly:
            Warm gear with an outer layer that absolutely kills the wind (even a nylon windbreaker over your standard gear may do it). Extra protection on the particularly sensitive bits (hands, feet, shins). Extra liquids because you dehydrate very quickly in cold weather riding (liquid being robbed from your body via your exhaling with each breath).

            =-= The CyberPoet
            Remember The CyberPoet


            • #8
              cool, thanks,great links


              • #9
                Indeed great info, thanks yall


                • #10
                  like everyone said just the oil wieght and tire pressure i never did anything to the battery and it was fine

