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  • #16
    Originally posted by macgyver
    I just don't understand how fuel is getting into the evaporative emission cannister...thats for fumes not gas flow into it
    I know looking at the diagram the fuel line goes directly from the petcock to the canister. It seems to have stopped for now. I think this all came from me leaving it on prime for a couple hours. I'm getting ready to ride home, will see soon if it reappears or if the problem is gone. Man I hope it's gone. If it was my leaving it on prime, well even if it isn't, you can bet I won't ever leave it on prime again.
    Ray Jeffas aka "FUSE"


    • #17
      Check your plugs if you left it on prime that long They very well could be fouled

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      • #18
        So I drove home, about an hour ride. No more leaking. The only thing that is worring my is that now the gas level is back to where I bought it. I'm a tad worried that if I fill it up again it will happen again. If the reason all of this happened was not because of me leaving it on prime. I'll just have to wait and see I guess. And man, this bike is fun. It was running great coming home. To bad the last 30 minutes I had to ride in a heavy downpour. Had the bike two days and have ridden in two nice rain storms. Oh well.... This is gonna be a fun bike.
        Ray Jeffas aka "FUSE"


        • #19
          You're in Washington DC & the burbs around it. Time to eliminate all the California pollution controls (both legal and wise for reliability reasons). Fortunately, the process is extremely inexpensive (a few feet of rubber tubing and four block-off plates brings the total to about $40 - $50). After you get the block-off plates (& vacuum hose), it's time to start removing equipment, including the PAIR valve, the charcoal canister, the fan & thermal controller for the fan, the various plumbing to both (you'll need to insert the new vacuum hose length from the backside of the petcock to the #4 carb nipple).

          If your charcoal canister is overflowing any significant amount of fuel (more than 10 - 20 drops per engine shut-off), and it's not stopping leaking after a few minutes, then one or more of your carbs are overflowing and need to be addressed separately (search KR for overflowing carbs).

          PS - Are you 100% sure it's the charcoal canister (about the size of a Red-Bull container) and not the airbox (the size of a small breadbox) leaking the fluids?

          =-= The CyberPoet
          Remember The CyberPoet


          • #20
            Hey Cyberpoet,

            Thanks for the reply. I definitly plan on removing all of the stuff. Have already started researching how to do it. First thing I am going to do though is order me the Repair Manual. Next I would like to find a copy of the owner manual.

            I'm pretty sure it is the charcoal canister. It is on the right hand side behind where the rear part of the fairing begins. It is about the size and shape of a 12 ounce coke can. The tube goes from the petcock to the top of this container. (The middle) There are 3 tubes going in the top and none on the bottom. It is on the bike at I would say something like a 25 - 30 degree angle.
            Ray Jeffas aka "FUSE"


            • #21
              Originally posted by FUSE
              I'm pretty sure it is the charcoal canister. It is on the right hand side behind where the rear part of the fairing begins. It is about the size and shape of a 12 ounce coke can. The tube goes from the petcock to the top of this container. (The middle) There are 3 tubes going in the top and none on the bottom. It is on the bike at I would say something like a 25 - 30 degree angle.

              Suzuki Shop Manual (applies to your year/model as well in terms of all major items, including the pollution control): -- see pages 341-348

              =-= The CyberPoet
              Remember The CyberPoet


              • #22
                OK, based on the image I just posted, I'm thinking that either your one-way valve at the back of the canister is shot (it's leaking), or the fuel shut-off valve is bad (the PCV valve[s] may also be bad). Their life-expectancy according to Suzuki is 2 years under daily use (which is pure crud -- they should last a lot longer).
                If you're really lucky, it's just a combination of too much fuel in the tank plus a bad (nicked) hose.

                =-= The CyberPoet
                Remember The CyberPoet


                • #23
                  Did you fill the tank before work ? Too much gas , some spilling out the overflow into the canister ? Those valves lead to a hole that leads to the throat of the carb . The only way I see for gas to get in THAT way is if there's somehow WAY too much gas in the carbs , in which case it'd be spilling into the cylinmders and probably airbox , too .
                  I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

                  Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


                  • #24
                    Yes I did fill it up before work. And I'm used to filling my Goldwing which I fill all the way up to the top of the neck. I'll be filling it up again either today or tommorrow so I will see if the problem returns. I hope not....
                    Ray Jeffas aka "FUSE"


                    • #25
                      from what I remember working on a few CA models, that is overflow from top fillling your tank, or a line is hooked up wrong, IF you are still gettgin leaking.

                      THe original was overflow thru the carbs from the PRI settgin I'm sure, but you found that!

                      You will see some residual leaking while the carbon drains..........
                      I've owned over 70 Katanas - you think I know anything about them?
                      Is there such a thing as TOO MANY BIKES?
                      Can you go TOO FAST on a bike?
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                      • #26

                        OK, I found out what the problem was / is......

                        There is a tube inside the gas tank that is for overflow. It is meant for when you fill up the tank too much it can get rid of the gas. Normally on the non-cali models the bike will just pee the gas on the ground. But in the cali models the overflow will go into the canister.

                        Now on my bike that tube in the gas tank has a hole in it at about the half way point. So if I fill the tank up past that mark it will constantly go into this overflow tube and fill up the charcoal canister and eventually leak out all over the ground. So what was done is that all the CA stuff has been removed. The overflow tube is now plugged and essentially I do not have an overflow release on the tank right now. The solution is to replace the tank, which I plan to do but just can't afford right now. So the bike runs fanstastic and gas no longer leaks (pours) onto the ground anymore.

                        Not sure how the hole got there. Probably (not sure though) has something to do with the fact that the previous owner did not ride it for months and the gas was at a half tank.
                        Ray Jeffas aka "FUSE"


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by FUSE
                          The overflow tube is now plugged and essentially I do not have an overflow release on the tank right now.
                          If this is the same over-flow hole that sits right at the edge of the gas cap, be careful -- this drain system is also responsible for getting rain-water out of the cap area so it doesn't run into the tank during down-pours.

                          =-= The CyberPoet
                          Remember The CyberPoet


                          • #28
                            I think he is referring to the fuel vapor seperator and breather pip shown in the diagram you posted which leads directly to the charcoal canister. If there is a hole in that tube lower than the top, of course it makes sense that it would "leak" into the canister down to the level of the hole in it.


                            COURAGE -

                            Freedom is the sure possession of those alone
                            who have the courage to defend it.

                            First Sergeant(Ret) - US Army - 21 years


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Court93kat
                              I think he is referring to the fuel vapor seperator and breather pip shown in the diagram you posted which leads directly to the charcoal canister. If there is a hole in that tube lower than the top, of course it makes sense that it would "leak" into the canister down to the level of the hole in it.
                              Yep, your right, it wasn't the overflow valve now that I took a good look at the diagram. I didn't figure it out or fix it myself, I took it to a local shop and that was what I understood the problem to be... I bet it is the breather pipe that has the hole in it.
                              Ray Jeffas aka "FUSE"


                              • #30
                                Fuse~ Check your PM's...I'm somewhat close, and, if still needed, can get a wrench and hosing out to you in a day or two if needed.
                                I would love to meet the voices in my head

                                96 Katana 600 (my ride)
                                05 Ninja 250 (wife's ride)

