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Chain Spray

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  • Chain Spray

    Okay so I cleaned my chain with kerosene, and then sprayed on some chain lube. I wiped off some of the excess lube but not alot, and after one trip around the neighborhood lube was sprayed all over the wheel and sway bar. So after I lube the chain, do I let it soak in some, and then wipe as much as I can off?

  • #2
    chain lube

    personally, after i clean it, i lube it good, then let it sit for a while. some say lube it while its warm, i just let it sit overnight. seemed fine to me


    • #3
      Depends on the "lube" . If it's a kind of oil , you squirt it on there , then wipe off the excess . If there's too much on there , it'll fling off and make a mess . It's KINDA supposed to work that way anyway to keep the dirt out of the o-rings ... If it's wax , it gets too sticky to do anything with , so just try not to overspray .
      I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

      Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


      • #4
        All right thanks, I just didn't know if I was doing something totally wrong.


        • #5
          Most chain lube sprays that come in a can have a formulation designed to make them tackier after a few minutes (as the aersols evaporate). My guess is you got more sling than you wanted from a combination of the oils the kerosene left behind (keeping the chain lube from sticking well) and the immediate trip about the neighborhood. If you're not riding the day you clean your chain, give it an hour or more between cleaning and lubing, and remember to reapply a little bit more lube after your first ride (when the chain is warm).

          =-= The CyberPoet
          Remember The CyberPoet

