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Possibly the dumbest question ever ....

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  • Possibly the dumbest question ever ....

    It seems like everytime I have a question, they are really really really dumb.
    I'm staying in form.

    How the heck do you release the seat on a 94 Kat? I have to turn the key in the seat lock, and then pull the little round oring chain thingie at the same time. Which means I use my face to pop the seat up, since both hands are busy .... I'm obviously missing something very very basic here.....

    mercy, anyone ?

  • #2
    I have not a sounds like someone modified the bike at some point. Can you take pictures?


    • #3
      Well, if you have an O-ring thingy, you must have a 750 Kat, as the 600's had none.

      Pull the O-ring first.
      Then insert key and twist.
      Then raise seat.
      Takes one hand only.


      You can reverse the order of 1 & 2 above............

      BTW: The dumbest question ever asked (by a guy) was "What's this for?" when he was looking down at his......................

      THAT'S DUMB!
      I've owned over 70 Katanas - you think I know anything about them?
      Is there such a thing as TOO MANY BIKES?
      Can you go TOO FAST on a bike?
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      • #4
        Hmmm I never saw this O ring thingy that you talk about. I will have to pay attention next time I am around a 750


        • #5
          Re: Possibly the dumbest question ever ....

          Originally posted by mod4
          It seems like everytime I have a question, they are really really really dumb.
          I'm staying in form.

          How the heck do you release the seat on a 94 Kat? I have to turn the key in the seat lock, and then pull the little round oring chain thingie at the same time. Which means I use my face to pop the seat up, since both hands are busy .... I'm obviously missing something very very basic here.....

          mercy, anyone ?
          Nope you're not missing a thing..
          That is just how it's done.

          Actualy if you pull the ring. you might be able to get the rear most part of the seat to stay up.. Might being the operitve word.
          I removed the rear ring latch.. Kind of a mistake as now the
          seat bows and pops up in the back. My guess is that this
          popping up is what lead Suzi to add the second latch.
          (earlier ones don't have this)
          My opinion? Remove the keyed latch or maybe modify
          it to work the rear latch. But try it with just the rear latch first.
          I'm not 100% sure it's "stable" with just the rear one.
          After all who is going to see that little ring. Especially with the
          key hole staring at them.
          My guess is what ever you keep under your seat is still going to be safe.

          Wow. Did you think your stupid question would get you such a long answer?


          • #6
            I pull the ring and pull up on the rear of the seat, it pops up and stays there, then I just turn the key and lift off the seat.


            • #7
              Same as what yardbird said, but mine kind of sticks a bit...

              Pull the o-ring, turn the key and HOLD the key, release o-ring, Pull UP under the way far back side of the seat... pull, it should pop up...

              Leave the o-ring alone... turn the key again. Pull UP and BACK, and it should pop the second set of locks. Sometimes, I sort of have to punch at the seat to slide it back (punch toward the back of the bike).

              The other times, it's two turns of the key and it's off... very strange.

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