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Rear Light Stays On

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  • Rear Light Stays On

    Yeah, I just posted about batteries dying, and it reminded me about my problem. Sometimes, when I turn my bike off, the rear light stays on. Has killed my battery twice when I didn't notice it. I normally shut off my bike with the switch, then turn the key off. Is this the best way. Is there anyone else that has this problem. It doesn't happen all the time, which is what confuses me. Maybe I am just wierd, or my bike is. anyways, thanks for any help.

  • #2
    If you look at your ignition lock, you'll see that it has basically four positions - ON, OFF (unlocked), Locked and Parking Lights.

    Park means locked with parking lights on, and it's just counter-clockwise of the Lock position. And what you're doing is going past lock to P, which is leaving your running lights on (should also leave the light above the headlights on, if you have a 98+).

    Most Kat riders get in the habit of glancing at their tail light as a double-check when they walk away from the bike... Just to be sure.

    =-= The CyberPoet
    Remember The CyberPoet


    • #3
      +1 I check my tail light and the 3rd eye
      "Wait you are hitting me for something I might do"


      • #4
        +10000000 what i was going to say


        • #5
          Ain't that something. I had no clue there were four positions. can you feel the difference between lock and parking lights? (I am offshore right now, and can't get to my bike) I have a pre, so I don't have to worry about the other light. I appreciate the help, cause I had no idea what was going on.


          • #6
            Easiest way if you can't feel the detents..
            Turn the key all the way left then right untill the
            key comes out..

            'Course mine is so worn the key comes out
            any time.. But then I don't bother locking
            the stem either..

