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What am I getting myself into?

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  • What am I getting myself into?


    I'm a complete newbie looking at buying my first ride. Short on cash, so I'm not able to buy what I would like, I'm having to settle on a project and work it up. Found one (93 Kat) that I like the look of, but the current owner is claiming the clutch is burned out. His reasoning behind this is because it's stuck in gear and he can't get it to pop into neutral. Bike has a couple of other issues, but this is the biggie.

    Couple of questions.

    1. My thought is this might just be a sticky clutch cable. Swap it out for cheap and see if you get lucky. Even if you do have to go through with the work on the gear box, then it's still taking care of a wear part with a few thousand miles on it. Sound like a reasonable approach?

    2. If it is the clutch, is this something that I should be able to handle, or is it take it in time? Done a fair amount of wrench turnin' on cages, but never played with a bike before. I'm thinking I should be able to get a book and take it slow. Is there something (or a ton of somethings) that I'm aware of here that would make this unrealistic? Hate paying stealerships if I can at all avoid it.

    3. Unrelated question, but anyone tried the LED mounts on their sport bikes? I saw one on a Harley the other day that looked pretty decent, but have only ever seen neon on a sport ride. Just wondering if they work that well or if they get lost in the body panels?


  • #2
    if the bike is jammed in a gear and cannt not be taking out its got serious issues expensive issuses you should be able to rock the bike back and forth pushing up or down on the lever till you find neutral if it not moving thru the gears either up or down granted if you hit first or 6th its gonna stop so try both ways it should make a click sound for each gear

