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98+ header on a pre

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  • 98+ header on a pre

    I got a helluva deal on a 2005 600 header, and will be installing it on my 92 750....I have only one question though. When mounting the header, do I still need to use the (I don't know exactly what they are called) Metal sleeve gasket holder/sealer things....?

  • #2
    you're putting a 600 header on a 750? Yeah, that's gonna be bad.


    • #3
      Originally posted by arsenic1016 View Post
      you're putting a 600 header on a 750? Yeah, that's gonna be bad.


      • #4
        Why's that? I'm only dong it to get rid of the duals. And I only paid $25 for them.


        • #5
          look, the ID between 600 and 750 is different. A 600 on a 750 is gonna choke the chit outta a 750 engine.


          • #6
            Originally posted by arsenic1016 View Post
            look, the ID between 600 and 750 is different. A 600 on a 750 is gonna choke the chit outta a 750 engine.



            • #7
              Well, I'm only doing this until I can get a real header, so I can get rid of the duals....If the OD is the same, and the ID is smaller, then I should be able to grind it out a bit if I'm REALLY worried about it, but I'm not. So, it will FIT, right? And do I need to use those sleeve things?


              • #8
                WTF sleeve things are you talking about. You can't grind it out to make it right. You're bike is gonna run like chit until you put a 750 header on it. Which is gonna make putting the 600 header on a COMPLETE waste of time. The OD is NOT the same, the OD along with the I*D is smaller. Look I understand exactly why you're doing it, but if you expect me to tell you it's a good idear keep dreaming.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by arsenic1016 View Post
                  you're putting a 600 header on a 750? Yeah, that's gonna be bad.


                  • #10
                    Not once did anybody say anything about the O.D. being different. No need to get offensive and angry. I'm just trying to learn/understand. If the OD is different, then why can a 750 header fit onto a 600? I guess I'll have to find out myself when it gets here exactly what I can do with it, and stop asking questions here. I'll let you guys know how to make them work when I get done!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 1SikKat View Post
                      No need to get offensive and angry. I'm not angry, I'm simple telling you it's a dumb thing to do.
                      If the OD is different, then why can a 750 header fit onto a 600? The fitiment has 0 to do with the OD.
                      I guess I'll have to find out myself when it gets here exactly what I can do with it, and stop asking questions here. I'll let you guys know how to make them work when I get done! You can't make it work, I've made that crystal clear.
                      Last edited by arsenic; 02-13-2008, 10:25 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                      • #12
                        what if he'd put a turbo on it Chris


                        • #13
                          Arsenic you really have to calm the **** down. Your interest in beating down this guy got on the way of actually explaining anything to him. You're ranting not communicating..

                          1SikKat Believe it or not the 600 header and pipes are smaller inside than the 750 pipes. This smaller diameter changes the flow dynamics of the system. (gas and air in as well as exhaust out). The head is about the same 600/750 and the frame is too. So I have no doubt the 98+ 600 exhaust system will fit a 750, however is will make the bike run like poo. Also be aware that the same rules apply.. (denting the collector/changing the oil pan)
                          Last edited by Black_peter; 02-14-2008, 11:25 AM.


                          • #14
                            I don't see why everyone things I'm not explaining it, I did, I said a 600 header on a 750 will choke the engine. Look if you think you can miracle it to work, be my guest. I told him it WILL NOT work correctly. What do I know?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by arsenic1016 View Post
                              I don't see why everyone things I'm not explaining it,
                              I don't think anyone thinks you are not explaining it. It is your approach that leaves people scratching their head sometimes.

                              As a newbie, if someone answered my questions with the same tone that you do sometimes, I doubt I'd spend much time on the forum

                              Gotta remember these bikes aren't being made anymore. It's not like we are going to have an influx of new members for years to come, keeping the board alive. We gotta look out for new members and make em feel welcome. Only once they have learned what a valuable resource this community is, and they have learned that this is the place for Kat info, only then, can we verbally assault and belittle them


