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Opinions about stock exhaust??

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  • Opinions about stock exhaust??

    I currently have 02 750 w/ D&D full pipe (not headers) slip-on and a stock in the shop. I am thinking of changing out back to stock, any comments? Also, what is the avg time on changing out the exhaust? I know that the slip-ons do not really add anything but sound, but does the stock offer anything except no being noticed by the popo.
    go ahead and ruck it!!!

  • #2
    Stock is quieter, especially compared to D&D.
    Heavier construction means probably more durable.
    Centerstand can be retained, that's a plus for me and a minus for many others here.
    Are you selling your D&D?


    • #3
      I know the stock is a lot quieter, I listened to a 600 stock on the forum today and so the 750 would not be that different. So once I change it over I will make a decision to sell or not. I like the deeper sound but I would much rather enjoy new riding boots over work boots. Will post with pics and sound if I do decide to unload it.
      go ahead and ruck it!!!


      • #4
        Since I have both, I can weigh in on this.
        With the stock I can wind it higher and speed recognition suffers a little bit. (You can whiz to 80 without even knowing it AND get it up to 8 or 9k without even realizing it)

        If you do that with the D&D you might make yourself deaf from the "angry bee" racket

        Now for me, most of my riding is back and forth to work and home, splitting lanes when necessary. The D&D keeps people aware of me. When I was considering trading/selling mine, I took it off for a day or two and had a lot of fun riding those two days when no one was around me, but I didn't feel as safe when I was splitting cars. No one can hear the stock pipe at all.

        As for the center stand, I still have mine and use it with my D&D installed so I don't know why anyone would have to get rid of it

        2001 Honda CBR1100XX - Super "Redbird"


        • #5
          I currently have the center stand and would never remove it. I might just swap out for a few days, not seeing myself splitting lanes anytime soon. Does the sound really make you safer??
          go ahead and ruck it!!!


          • #6
            I feel as if cars hear me coming up. It might be just in my head, but I got cut off a lot more when I had the stock pipe on. I usually leave the bike in 1st and wind it up as I'm splitting so you can hear me coming. As I said, it might be in my head, but it seems like it to me.
            That being said, a car, tried to cut over right after I got by it today, so they obviously didn't hear me. That was the closest call I've had in the last 4 months.
            After you are fully comfortable with the bike, the stock pipe is a lot more fun to get on and go blast down the freeway or whatever, but since the majority of my riding is in traffic, I prefer the louder "hey I'm right here, don't HIT me!"

            There is no shortage of people wanting your D&D if you decide to sell it.

            There is a middle ground. My buddy has a Yoshi on his Gixxer and at a lot of the lower RPM's it's just a little louder than stock.

            I still go back and forth if I should get a little quieter pipe and get rid of my D&D, but I like it. I may try and get one of the new street core D&D's or look for sound bites of it and see how much quieter it is.

            2001 Honda CBR1100XX - Super "Redbird"


            • #7
              People notice my bike a LOT more with the Scorpion over the stock. The sound and roar of it forces people to look at you where as the stock was so quiet they never noticed you. I agree that its safer. The aftermarkets are also a lot lighter. The Scorpion can is about 10 pounds less than the stock can. I actually notice the right side of the bike doesn't feel like a weight is pulling it down with the racing can.
              Who brought the retarded kid?


              • #8
                People don't cut you off because they can't hear you, they cut you off because they don't see you.

                And not every cage driver is going to be turning their head just cuz they hear some loud noise behind them...

                Either way, an after market exhaust isn't an accident prevention type thing, and shouldn't be sought as something that is.

                Bottom line, always have an exit plan NEVER count on ANYONE seeing, OR hearing you, car, bike, scooter, pedestrian, dog, deer, whatever.

                And splitting lanes is NEVER 'necessary', IMHO.
                Florida, the only place where you need your windshield wipers and sunglasses. At the same time.

                05/02 1216 Kabandit
                18v Rigid Drill
                Craftsman Rubber Mallet with duct tape mod
                New Balance 765 running shoes from 10th Grade, with duct tape and super glue mod


                • #9
                  Lane splitting.....Thats something I wont try. I've been tempted, but won't do it. I just keep having visions of a lane change directly in fron the bike. The thought of not only rear ending someone, but also getting run over by at least 2 cars doesnt sound appealing.
                  Who brought the retarded kid?


                  • #10
                    it's only legal in California and most of the time when I'm splitting traffic is stopped. Once it starts moving, I just get in line and go with the flow. It's very hard for people who haven't driven in traffic here to understand and I am not looking to start a debate either. I also don't rely on the can to avoid accidents. It's just another layer of prevention along with riding style and eagle eyes. I do need to get the freeway blaster though. This guy stopped in the middle of the road to let someone go who had a stop sign (we did not, he just stopped) and the stock horn just sounded lame when I hit it.

                    2001 Honda CBR1100XX - Super "Redbird"


                    • #11
                      Well if you're looking for a stock can I just ordered a ss2r Vance & Hines for my bike and the stock is perfect cond. So if you get to that point and need a stock, let me know.
                      2000 Katana 750
                      -VERITAS AEQUITAS-


                      • #12
                        Hearing and Seeing

                        "People don't cut you off because they can't hear you, they cut you off because they don't see you."

                        The fact is people will look for you and see you more often if they HEAR you coming.

                        "it's only legal in California" speaking of lane splitting.

                        The fact is it's legal in many states you just need to obey the rules of "common sense" which is not so common. Note though that many "peace officers" don't know the law and so will pull you over.


                        • #13
                          Lane "sharing" is legal in many states. This is defined as two motorcycles riding side by side. Lane "splitting" as we do in California is only legal here. Here's a site with a quick reference for that and helmet laws as well. It also has what the laws are regarding music headphones etc.

                          2001 Honda CBR1100XX - Super "Redbird"


                          • #14
                            Switched out exhausts today back to stock. The idling RPM has dropped from about 1200 to 1000. Took some time to get the D & D off (no damage for possible future sale). Thanks for the previous posts about getting it off and using hi-temp anitseize. Got it all bolted up and I have a small leak at the connection point around the flange area. Question- do i need to worry about that small leak, use some creative proven Kat riggers advice or should I replace that inner sleeve that CP spoke off.

                            Also, what is the difference in weight balance stock heavy while riding. Will the restricted airflow make the bike a hotter than the D&D? I am going to be driving it for a least 2 weeks and then make the decision to sell. Looking for info to be between an exhaust that whines like stock and not as loud as the D D. Will post pics if decide to sell.
                            go ahead and ruck it!!!

