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  • best prices

    Hey all. Just got my bike today. Put about 200mi on...even through the rain grrr! I was wondering what site has the best price for the clear front signals. As of now I assume ebay but maybe you guys know some thing I don't. Also what exhaust is gonna give the best bang for my buck? I have a 2002 600cc. Thanks for all of your help, Colby.
    “If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face" ~Zack de la Rocha

    I refuse to tiptoe through life, only to arrive safely at death.

  • #2
    grats on the new toy! Just picked mine up a week ago, so still feel your excitement

    As for the exhaust, i dont think there is really any diff between the bolt/slip-ons other than personal preference of sound. I personally like the way the Two Brothers and Hindle sound on the Kat - but once again, i think preference is the only thing to weigh as far as thats concerned.

    I also need to get ahold of some clear lenses....


    • #3
      Ebay is going to be the cheepest place for your front signals.. Most online stores are around the same, maybe $10 more..

      Been on youtube?? there are a few exhausts on Kats there.. Can get a general idea what they sound like, not the best, just an idea. the most popular are the Yoshi's, what I have, nice pipe. Kinda expensive as aposed to them D&D and Two Bros.. etc..


      • #4
        I grabbed my clear stuff off e-bay. I have a Scorpion exhaust and am very pleased with it. I had a D & D and liked that too.
        "I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world."
        JOHN 16:33


        • #5
          I don't think any exhausts are better than another one as far as performance goes, it's just a preference on what it sounds like, so it's really up to you. Some people like to wake up the neighbors pulling into the driveway, others like a little bit more mellow tone.
          Florida, the only place where you need your windshield wipers and sunglasses. At the same time.

          05/02 1216 Kabandit
          18v Rigid Drill
          Craftsman Rubber Mallet with duct tape mod
          New Balance 765 running shoes from 10th Grade, with duct tape and super glue mod


          • #6
            I'd be the "waking the neighbors" kinda guy..
            EVERYONE on my block owns a quad, and they rip up and down my block on a daily basis. So I get to give back on the weekends.
            nothing like starting her up at 7am to go riding. Shoulda heard her when I had only the headers(stock) going.. Woke up 2-3 neighbors. Ha.. paybacks a b**ch...


            • #7
              what are people paying for scorpion exhaust? ive looked at a few online stores and ebay. the cheapest ive seen b4 shipping is 263. anybody know some where cheaper? once again thanks for any and all help/input. Peace
              “If ignorance is bliss, then knock the smile off my face" ~Zack de la Rocha

              I refuse to tiptoe through life, only to arrive safely at death.


              • #8
                Not a bad price for a s/o pipe.. I think yer doing the right thing by shopping online/ebay... Thats about the best advice someone can give ya bro..
                It's basicly up to you, as far as pricing goes. What ever pipe you like, like the sound of, etc.. Buy it..

                It's like a Ford/Chevy type thing.. Some like Fords, some like Chevy.. Personal preference. Never found anything on the internet that has specs/dyno charts on diff pipes, stating which is better or what have ya.. . But then again, I never really looked. I went w/ the Yoshi as I like the sound, look, and most of the people I know who ride Zuki's have them..

