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headlight cover

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  • headlight cover

    so last night before i went to work i got bored so i went to the garage and started drawin up a lil plan to make a headlight cover for my pre....since i have an extra headlight for my bike i had the perfect mold covered with waxpaper in no time...broke out the bondo to do a practice run at it(its cheaper) then ill get to the fiberglass model of it.... It came out lookin pretty d**n good for beein a rough copy with i got home it loooked good so i test fitted it...fits now before i do my final project of it all i needa do is think of what i want my new headlight design to look like...thinkin hard still havent come up with an idea yet but workin on it......any ideas or suggestions?!?!?!

  • #2
    Lets get a picture up of what you have so far. It will be easy to make suggestions. Also, I really don't know what you mean by a new headlight design. Are you referring to the opening the light will pass through?
    -2000 "750"


    • #3
      yea the design the light will shine through!

      and ill put a couple pics up tommarow when i come home from work since im gettin ready to go to work now but yes ill get a couple pics up asap
      Last edited by 96 stuntin 101; 07-30-2008, 09:07 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


      • #4
        Umm, tomorrow was like two weeks ago. Where's the pics?


        • #5
          give him time, he's gotta photoshop something


          • #6
            hahaha no im sorry guys haventreally hadtime we were down and out for almost a week from a couple smalltornadoes and micro bursts out here then abutchof medicalissues with my grandfather in part duetothe same storms so i been spendin time with the fam at the hospitol balincing that work andmy daughter ainthad awhole lotta time sorry guys ill get some pics up when i get a chance this weekend i took a lil minivaca so ill have time!!!


            • #7
              use masking tape, not wax paper, it holds to the original better/closer. Just lay down 2 overlapping layers (I do the second layer at 90 degrees from the first), and put a thin coat of paste car wax over them. If you need a way to mount it, then also lay down some double sided moulding tape on top of the masking tape in strategic places before you wax it, and mold it. The mold will leave that nice little area dished out for the double sided tape, and it will sit nice and close to the headlight then, instead of sitting out from it.
              Any and all statements by Loudnlow7484 are merely his own opinions, and not necessarily the opinion of Anything suggested by him is to be followed at your own risk, and may result in serious injury or death. Responses from this member have previously been attributed to all of the following: depression, insomnia, nausea, suicidal tendencies, and panic. Please consult a mental health professional before reading any post by Loudnlow7484.


              • #8
                thanx loudnlow, ill try it that way on my final project, or give it one more practice run then ill do it for my final that sounds like it works much better then the wax paper idea...

