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Is washing/waxing fairings just like washing a car?

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  • Is washing/waxing fairings just like washing a car?


    I have a '06 black KAT at 3000km. I'm a second owner who wants to wash if for the first time. I'm not sure if I can treat the plastic fairings just like I treat the paint on my car.

    Can !:

    -rince with a hose and then wash with regular car soap and then dry
    -Claybar the plastic to take off contaminants
    -Sealing and glazing
    -wax with carnuba wax (megauirs's car wax)

    This is what I am planning on doing. What do you think?

    Also can I use Scratch X or other scratch removing types of products that one uses on a car paint.


  • #2
    i just wash it with car soap, dry, then use 'megauirs' then buff... looks pretty damn sexy to me

    one word of advice though. dont go riding 80+mph right after beacuse for some reason theres a pocket of water that hides under your triple tree and once you hit about 80 it will all fly up in yer face scarein the poop outa ya... no it isnt gas... but it freaked me out hahah


    • #3
      Sounds good to me. I treat mine like a fine clear coated automobile. I highly recommend microfiber clothes and mits.
      This "Phat Chick" rides her own!!!
      BTW, I think they may have been correct. It does appear that BLACK is indeed the FASTEST color. R.O.R...R.I.P.M

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      • #4
        Wash it and then use a leaf blower to dry it off and blow water out of all the little crevices. Works great.
        2007 Honda CBR600rr
        2007 Kawasaki Ninja ZX-14

        visit the Twisted Assassins


        • #5
          alot of cars now days have plastic on them just like the cats...possibly more than the kat. like saturns and almost every bumper out there.

          “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


          • #6
            washing and waxing

            i wash mine like a car but use a power washer for the wheels and bottom areas (chain-engine area) works great to get the hard to reach spots that grease gets in.


            • #7
              if you wash it after dark you dont have to worry about water spots if you don't dry it.
              CSBA #1167
              Renew your mind with God's Word and His Spirit today! Let others see you walking and living by faith! Let yesterday go! God Bless!


              • #8
                don't forget the rain-x on your windshield and visor


                • #9
                  i think i may do it a bit too easy but, i gots this stuff called 1-step turtle wax spray... in short you WASH, (with car wash) RINSE, spray on spread with a wet shammy cloth, then take a soft DRY terry cloth and rub down (wax off) and PRESTO looks great.... NO WATER SPOTs and SHINEY

                  I TOO used to do the whole LEAF BLOWER idea! and LOVED it, although i never broke out the hardware i USED to USE a compressor which worked the same... NICE

                  i think the 1 step wax spray by turtle wax is pretty awesome stuff... so add it to your list of wash things.... shammy,wash,wax.... keep it simple wash rinse wax dry... hope it helps

                  Is a
                  Warm Gun.

