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Cost estimates for painting a Kat?

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  • Cost estimates for painting a Kat?

    Hey guys...

    Anybody have any estimates for painting their post '98 Katana's? I was thinking I would be able to just remove the fairings from the bike, take them to the paint shop, and have them shot in something simple, like a single color.

    Any help is appreciated!



  • #2
    I'd be interested in some estimates as well. I have a history of getting ripped off when it comes to having body/mechanic work done.
    I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death. - George Carlin

    Join the Zietgeist Movement


    • #3
      It really depends.

      First off do you want to change colors? That will increase the cost.

      Second if you take off the fairings do you plan on doing the prep work yourself? This would easily save at least $200.00. I'd guess if you went this route probably $600 - $700 for a GOOD paint job. That is what I'd expect to pay. (keeping the same color)

      I'm sure by doing the prep work yourself it could be done for under $500, but I wouldn't think it would be very high quality. (orange peel, paint chips within months, oxidation)

      the future's uncertain, and the end is always near - The Doors


      • #4
        I have about $200 in mine, but I painted it myself. Try painting it urself you'll be much more proud of it.


        • #5
          Originally posted by mad max
          I have about $200 in mine, but I painted it myself. Try painting it urself you'll be much more proud of it.
          Not if it looks like crap.


          • #6
            There is a shop near me that will do it for $500 if I do the prep work myself, and that includes the tank. Prep work involves take it apart, fixing any cracks or holes, and sanding it. They will prime, paint, and CC it. But I also know a guy that used to work there. He got me an in.
            Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
            -Unknown Author

            The quarrels of lovers are the renewal of love.


            • #7
              Originally posted by darrellparkhill
              Not if it looks like crap.

              I guess you don't have a compressor. Well worth the investment IMO. I use mine at least once per week.

              the future's uncertain, and the end is always near - The Doors


              • #8
                Originally posted by stb000013
                Originally posted by darrellparkhill
                Not if it looks like crap.

                I guess you don't have a compressor. Well worth the investment IMO. I use mine at least once per week.
                Actually, I do have a compressor. And a welder, mig and stick. I just don't have the time/skills/equipment/inclination for painting. My skills lie in welding/fabrication, and electrical system integration. I just never got around to painting. Not artistic enough, I guess. Damn that Engineering degree!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by darrellparkhill

                  Actually, I do have a compressor. And a welder, mig and stick. I just don't have the time/skills/equipment/inclination for painting. My skills lie in welding/fabrication, and electrical system integration. I just never got around to painting. Not artistic enough, I guess. Damn that Engineering degree!
                  Dude, all you need is a paint gun then. I've never done it myself either (except one coat of primer on a 78' Trans Am). You just have to take your time. I'm sure we have a few painters on the board that could give you some tips also.

                  Don't worry about not being that artistic. It shouldn't even come into play unless you wanted some airbrushing. I say give it a try, even after you buy a paint gun and all the other supplies you'll still come out cheaper than what any shop would charge. I understand if you don't though. It is a very intimidating project.

                  Keep us posted!

                  the future's uncertain, and the end is always near - The Doors


                  • #10
                    I think its probably better served to give the man, and any others reading an answer to his question rather then trying to convince him to do work himself that he's already said he doesn't want to do.

                    That being said, handing a good paint shop all the fairings of color xxx and asking for color zzz is probably going to be in the 800$ range if I had to guess.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by JamesS
                      I think its probably better served to give the man, and any others reading an answer to his question rather then trying to convince him to do work himself that he's already said he doesn't want to do.
                      Thanks for the advice

                      And if you'll notice I answered his question in my first post. Thanks for playing though.

                      the future's uncertain, and the end is always near - The Doors


                      • #12
                        I aked the guy doing mine RIGHT NOW how much he would regularly charge a normal customer he said $700-800$. more if u wanted persay a peral in the paint he said more like $1000. If you prep it your self subtract 200 from both those numbers...and the prep doesnt take all to long.
                        Life's fast so you have to be faster, ride fast and take risks...


                        • #13
                          Thanks for a lively debate, guys!

                          stb000013,JamesS, JJ0712:

                          Thank you ALL for the information. stb000013 hit it on the head when he said it was an intimidating project. Like the bumper stickers say, I "ain't scared", but I just don't want to get balls deep in something and not have an economical out, if you can smell what I am stepping in!

                          I have budgeted one LARGE($1,000) for this project, including some very minor fairing repair from my contact with a Chevy SUV back in November of 2005. I am finally getting my money from the lawsuit I filed for damages to me (torn ligament in left shoulder) and Katie (my Katana, who got some scratched fairings), so I figure I'll treat her right and get her a makeover.

                          I guess I'll tell the story now : This tourist tried to make a right turn from the middle lane (WHOA! I bet NOBODY has ever seen anyone try that before, huh?!? ), and I managed to slow from 50mph to about 10-15 mph before contact. It happened thisfast: "That guy has his blinker on. Surely he is not going to-"BAM!... I hit with my left side, took his mirror off with my noggin (YAY helmet!), and wedged by bike into the right front wheel well. Well, it hurt, but I was thinking "Whew! The bike is still up!" Well, as the driver and I went to pull it out, my shoulder stopped working, and the bike fell over on the ground. Talk about irony... So, the insurance company for this guy said to take it to the shop for an estimate. So I did: To the most expensive motorcycle dealership in Orlando. If it was scratched, I told them to note it for replacement because it was in PERFECT condition prior to the accident. Well, after it was all said and done, the total came to $3,500... Well, the insurance company totalled my bike, and wrote me a check for $4,200: replacement value for the Katana, which I paid $4, 197 for. THEN THEY SAID TO KEEP THE BIKE. (I know you're thinking "BS!", but you can't make something like this up!)

                          And now, my lawsuit is coming to a close, and I want to make Katie perfect again.

                          -THE END-


                          • #14
                            I am getting my fairings painted this week. I took them off myself. I bought the paint and reducer. They are going to fix the scratches, gouges, and cracks, and they are going to clear coat the hole thing. It's going to cost me $125. I got a quote for $250 to paint the whole thing. I had a friend who was going to paint it for free, but he is going to Florida for 10 days and I can't wait that long. I think it's worth the money.
                            I'm here to find out how to make my Katana look nasty.


                            • #15
                              I am getting my fairings painted this week. I took them off myself. I bought the paint and reducer. They are going to fix the scratches, gouges, and cracks, and they are going to clear coat the hole thing. It's going to cost me $125. I got a quote for $250 to paint the whole thing. I had a friend who was going to paint it for free, but he is going to Florida for 10 days and I can't wait that long. I think it's worth the money.
                              I'm here to find out how to make my Katana look nasty.

