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what are the best tires to buy for your kat ?

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  • #31
    My old roommate runs Q2s and couldn't be happier with them. He rides aggressively and pushing a bit more power through his bike. I haven't checked to see how they're wearing for him. This is a guy that will throw down gobs of cash for the latest and greatest without thinking twice though. I, on the other hand, am not made of money.

    I was looking into Conti Motions because I was led to believe from reviews that they would last 5-6000 miles. Maybe 7000 if I really behave. When I asked a very knowledgeable parts guy at my local shop if he could get continentals in, he highly recommended them. We were looking at Pilot Roads for me before that but after I mentioned Conti Motions he said they would last longer per dollar with my riding style and I wouldn't be disappointed. Their grip is apparently also very suprising, as long as you remember they are NOT race tires, they are sport touring tires.
    "Why do I ride a bike? Aside from the feeling of freedom, excitement, and adrenaline... probably the 90 million miles of headroom."
    "Katrina" 2001 750 Black/Anthracite


    • #32
      I've been looking at tires too lately since my back tire on my '04 600 are still stock! ( I know, crazy right?) But my bike only has 9k miles on it now, and i got it at 6k miles when i bought it in December.

      I was looking at the tires i've heard mentioned here - especially the pr2-3 (I would definitely go with the 3 if i choose between these)

      But another tire i was looking at, which i didn't see mentioned here (although, almost when someone mentioned Diablo's from perelli ) was the Pirelli Angel tires; they seem really awesome, and the reviews match, setting records even. What's everyone's thoughts on these? If i don't hear back soon enough, I'll probably just go with the PR3's; i ride my bike everyday to work - it's my only vehicle so you can just about imagine i'll put a bit of wear on them, just thought i'd see what folks had to say (:


      • #33
        I covered Angel ST here:
        No pics yet
        Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break


        • #34
          ^ I would take his advice over anyones for tires... especially in the sport touring realm.

