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Avon Tires

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  • Avon Tires

    How come I never hear a word about the Avon Azzaro's? They came on my bike, they seem decent, but I've never had anything else....

    In the future (within the next year) I will be purchasing new tires, and I'm wondering if I should stick with the Avon's or go to something else...

    Why are the Avon's never brought up in tire discussions!?
    I'm starting to wonder if you all need a beatdown.

  • #2
    I use to run them on my Katana all the time. If you like them, stick with them. I used quite a few sets and liked them. I got the most milage out of Avon's, but the only reason I no longer use them is due to how they handle after constant heat cycling, but that is ONLY an issue if you are riding on the ragged edge all the time.
    MSgt, USMC (Retired)


    • #3
      what do you use now?
      I'm starting to wonder if you all need a beatdown.


      • #4
        I believe he uses Stradas now , as do I .
        I ran some AV45/46's a few years ago . I was still fairly new , but they never felt quite right to me . I thought I felt the rear get squirmy a couple times . I heard a couple others say something similar , so I guess it wasn't just me ....
        I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

        Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


        • #5
          What do I use now?

          Aprilia- Stradas
          SV- Pilot Power Race
          CBR- Qualifiers or Pilot Powers except on track, which I use 108 GP A's

          Katana- Whatever the hell I can throw at it since I don't ride it hard anymore.
          MSgt, USMC (Retired)


          • #6
            Sooooo many bikes, lucky guy!
            R.I.P. Marc (CyberPoet)


            • #7
              why would you need that many bikes. Even if don't ride them the oil needs to be changed once in a while


              • #8
                It's to make up for all the sad folks that don't have the smarts to get a bike.

                Kinda like driving around the block a few extra times to make up for your neighbors Prius
                "The moment you have in your heart this extraordinary thing called love and feel the depth, the delight, the ecstasy of it, you will discover that for you the world is transformed."

                -J. Krishnamurti


                • #9
                  Originally posted by linix
                  why would you need that many bikes
                  It's like a lottery -- he wants to see which one he'll go down on next!
                  (Sorry Ron, I just couldn't resist that one given your healing up).

                  =-= The CyberPoet
                  Remember The CyberPoet

