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Slit in Tire

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  • Slit in Tire

    Got home from work the other night and found that some @$$hole had taken a razor blade to my rear tire. There's a slit about 2 inches long and less than a 1/4 inch deep running with the tire, just outside the wear pattern. The cut is not as deep as the tread pattern of the tire. Really pisses me off, as #1 I could have been killed if the tire failed, and #2 the tires only have about 500 miles on them. So I now get to replace a Dunlop D205. The tire holds air fine, but I don't believe that theres any way to repair that cut. If someone knows of a safe repair, let me know.
    Smooth is Fast

  • #2
    Are you sure that someone intentionally cut the tire. This could be some kind of defect in the tire and may warrant for a brand new replacement at no charge of course. Was there a razor sticking out of the tire? I just don't see why someone would go through the trouble to cut someone's tire when they didn't even cut it enough.


    • #3
      Well the cut travels across 2 of the thread grooves of the tire. I don't think a defect would do that. It would stop at one and I doubt it would cross it. The cut is also perfectly smooth, picture a large papercut on yourself. I'm a LEO and there was a fair being held directly behind where I work. There was alot of foot traffic and shall we say less than desirable people in the area. Where our vehicles were parked, leaves no doubt who they belonged too. I doubt anyone knew it was my bike specifically. It was a target of opportunity.
      Smooth is Fast


      • #4
        Well either ways thats just a shame and with tires that are practically brand new as well. I would not ride the bike until you get a replacement tire put on. If it was a person that did it they must have a lot of balls to come and mess with someones vehicle at the police station. Do you have any kind of security camera in the back lot? Maybe this is reason enough to install one if you do not.


        • #5
          We do, but it was just outside the coverage area. I've ordered a tire and should have it installed in a couple days. What gets me is that I'm out the cost of a tire and installation. My employer won't cover the damage. Yet if my glasses or another piece of personal property is damaged during work, they will replace it.
          Smooth is Fast


          • #6
            Leave the tire on the property after it's unmounted until it's stolen and then file the reimbursement request :P

            More seriously, I'm sorry to hear of what happened -- you're right, it could have potentially killed you. But you could have also gotten the same cut by riding over something with a sharp edge that you may have not noticed -- we had a drain cover on our street that was that kind of sharp for the first week it was installed, until the traffic wore it down. Lord knows how much it cut up various car's and cycle's tires in the process.

            Either way, just another reason to always do your pre-ride checks.

            =-= The CyberPoet
            Remember The CyberPoet


            • #7
              Yea I do have to agree with Cyber that it was probably cause from something you hit at one point. Being that is on the tread It just doesn't seem like something someone would do....If you want to slash someones tire the easiest place to cut through would be on the sidewall not the tread. Depending on the tread condition they may have 9/32 of tread to cut through before they get to the actual inner layer. It just sounds pointless to me. Also when a tire is punctured on the side it is never repairable and you think this would be the suspects motive.

              Either the person was either really brave and really stupid or you just happened to catch something on the road at one point or another. Either way its good you are replacing the tire as that is the best bet.


              • #8
                You may be right that it was something on the road, but it seems like too clean of a cut for that. Most people that do this sort of thing are really stupid. We don't call them rocket scientist to stroke their egos. It's frustrating to say the least.
                Smooth is Fast


                • #9
                  that sucks but it sounds as if you ran over something but some people will do anything . You should replace just to be on the safe side you never know maybe keep it as spare or something.
                  "Wait you are hitting me for something I might do"


                  • #10
                    Well the tire came in and I had it changed. Both mechanics at the dealership said that it was cut before I told them what happened. One of them even noticed where the blade was touched to the tire, which made a small cut, then the blade was moved a bit when the actual cut was made. Anyway it's fixed. I need to wear it in now.
                    Smooth is Fast

