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Brake lever play before pad engagement? How much?

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  • Brake lever play before pad engagement? How much?

    I just got done putting my brakes back together with basically all new parts short of the metal bits, and I have what I feel to be excessive lever travel before the brake pads actually engage the rotor. I searched through the FSM looking for an actual number of how much play should be there, and I find nothing. The lever feel is rock solid, and that is what is getting me. I am used to air in the system making for squishy controls, but I don't have that, just nice smooth travel for nearly two inches, then a solid lever. I've cracked all the fittings in an effort to free any air that might be hiding in the system, so what am I missing and how much lever travel is appropriate?
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    Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break

  • #2
    After much bleeding, and more bleeding, and then deciding screw it, good enough I want to ride, I got the travel down to a hair over an inch and a half.
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    Just because they sound the same doesn't mean they are: there≠their≠they're; to≠too≠two; its≠it's; your≠you're; know≠no; brake≠break

