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Fork slider & tube seperation

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  • Fork slider & tube seperation

    Did I miss a step? Does it require super human strength? Maybe a sawzall?

    What the instructions say:

    Overall view:

    Up close of the oil seal:

    Up close oil seal #2:

    Inside the slider/tube:

    I pull with all my might, both with two hands (and a bench vice), as well as one hand on the slider and one on the tube. No matter how hard I pull, nothing nudges a centimeter..

    Had my dad try, he's ~240lbs or so, good amount muscle, rest beer belly, and he couldn't seperate them either. Am I missing a step? Did I forget to remove something?

    I even tried to warm the seal up (per instructions) with a rag soaked in boiling water.. to no avail.

    Red 1988 600F

  • #2
    your missing the nut on the bottom. I didn't read your post but I'm sure thats your problem. Where the axle goes into the forks, look up in there, way up in there, there is an allen bolt, I'm sure you missed that, I did the same thing one time, only one time. All your pictures are of the oil seal, it's not that, it's a bolt way up in there on the bottom.


    • #4
      Odd, I don't see anything..

      Red 1988 600F


      • #5
        push that sleeve out and boom it is there. i think a 6mm hex key or maybe 5mm. look at the opposite fork, it will be like what you are looking for.

        “Programming today is a race between software engineers stirring to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the universe is winning.”


        • #6
          Yup . I'm PRETTY sure they said that in the book . That was the guide I used to do MINE .....
          I am a fluffy lil cuddly lovable bunny , dammit !

          Katrider's rally 2011 - md86


          • #7
            Leaking fork seals are more than a messy eyesore. Let them go long enough and the oil can ruin brake pads and, when the fluid's gone, the fork's internals will begin a nice 60-grit dance. You don't want any of that.

            This write up clear up a lot of mystery that the book creates.. And yeah get the spacer out...
            6mm hex key..


            • #8
              Thanks, that's what it was. The book said nothing about removing that (the silver piece), that's all. Odd.
              Red 1988 600F

