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Welcome to How-To's & FAQ's

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  • Welcome to How-To's & FAQ's

    This is a new forum created to host all the great write-ups that our members have created on how they've performed everything from engine swaps to basic cosmetic modifications to their katana's. This forum is open for everyone to view/read and to reply to the threads. Please keep your replies to the threads related to the topic. We don't want to hijack any of these threads and take away from all the hard work the members have put into them.

    If you have a write up that you think would benefit everyone, please submit it to either any staff member for review and then we'll post it up in here for you. Only KR Management can post up new threads in this forum, this is so we can make sure that all write-ups are as accurate as possible and that we keep this forum as streamlined as we can. You will get full credit for you're writeup.

    If you are considering making a How To, please remember to be as specific as you possibly can, use pictures to show illustrations of your work. Remember we have members on KR with all types of skill levels when it comes to working on their bikes; everyone from those who have very little mechanical insight into motorcycles, to the weekend warrior who tinkers around here and there, and those that can build a bike in their sleep. Make it as easy to read and understand as possible, just remember to be specific and detailed.

    Enjoy !!!